Current Challenge
As the pace of change accelerates, organizations are faced with increased competitive pressure to successfully navigate the volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, and hyper-connected (VUCAH) reality of the modern world. Levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout are unfortunately ever increasing. To cope with these new challenges, more and more organizations are seeking support to further embed a culture of well-being into their workplace. Research has shown that a well-being culture reduces stress, anxiety, and burnout, and increases the ability to attract and retain top talent, while reducing disengagement. Improving well-being and fostering psychological safety allows leaders and employees to make better decisions and experience more fulfillment in their jobs and lives.
This 6-session well-being program combines live interactive sessions, curated and facilitated by Mindsmatter well-being experts, with self-paced digital modules hosted on the Awakened Mind App.
Learners will continue to have premium access to the Awakened Mind app once this efficient, 6 session learning experience has been completed. This will help learners continue their practice, as well as guide learners who wish to continue their practice but are unsure of where to go next.
The blended learning program constitutes a comprehensive learning ecosystem that combines live interactive learning modules with self-paced digital modules. This program features our 4-pillar approach and our guiding principles for adult learning.
Program format
This journey starts with an introductory workshop (live conference and app support), followed by six modules which combine live sessions and self-paced work on the Awakened Mind app. Optional add-ons of six integration sessions and pre/post assessments* are offered. These six live sessions have been developed over the last ten years to deliver powerful interactive learning experiences.
Pre/Post Assessment
This package is designed to measure participants’ psychological well-being before and after their mindfulness journey. Participants are assessed on attention, acceptance, positive and negative activation, stress and safeness in connection, sleep, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Live conference and app support.
Live Session 1: Presence
Self-Paced App Session 1
Live Session 2: Habit Loops
Self-Paced App Session 2
Live Session 3: Acceptance
Self-Paced App Session 3
Live Session 4: Purpose
Self-Paced App Session 4
Live Session 5: Mental Models
Self-Paced App Session 5
Live Session 6: Compassionate Connections
Self-Paced App Session 6
Demonstrated Outcomes:
Up to 35% improvement on outcomes, including
(emotional intelligence)